December 26, 2024

Addressing the Lies Men Believe


What “Hunting Truth Seminars” Do For YOU!

  • Brent’s “Hunting Truth Seminars” are proven to bring MEN to Christ and transform their lives! These events combine a professional hunter, professional musician and a professional men’s minister ALL in ONE Power Packed Night!
  • “Hunting Truth” connects you with local sponsors to support the event with marketing, promotion and financial assistance.*
  • “Hunting Truth” provides hundreds of dollars of giveaways to participants and over $1,000 of giveaways at each Maximum Outreach Event!*
  • “Hunting Truth” provides you with all the marketing materials needed to promote your event including, videos, power point slides, posters and newsletters for email campaigns!
  • Best of all…”Hunting Truth” shows you how to host a “Hunting Truth Seminar” at NO COST TO YOU!

Call me now for more information at 765-635-8530.

*Customized events can be created if not applicable.