February 9, 2025

Addressing the Lies Men Believe

Men’s Small Group Studies

Discover how to be free from being controlled by those ugly emotions like depression, anger, worry, condemnation, doubt, and confusion! Derek Wilder releases a study guide that will help build your knowledge of the Word while teaching you to apply the principles directly to your thought life. With dozens of thought-provoking questions you will discover truths from God's Word that breathes freedom into your life. Using a 5 lesson format this guide is great Bible study groups, devotional time and Sunday school classes. The study guide provides space for you to answer each question, beneficial for individual or group study. Changing Your Mind Study Guide includes: (1) Dozens of life giving questions (2) Answers in the back to check your work individually or utilize as a facilitator’s guide (3) FREE access to the “Changing Your Mind” Video Series and (4) Transcripts of each of the videos for your convenience. Let Derek show you how you can take control of your thoughts and emotions now!


Cover Small Freedom Small Group Study

Lost your job?  Marriage in shambles? Disconnected from your kids? Or maybe you can’t sleep at night thinking about the trouble of tomorrow…Enough Already! You can be set free from the unhealthy thoughts, emotions and actions the enemy is bombarding you with everyday. The Changing Your Mind Study Guide & Video Series will help you untangle unhealthy thinking and transform you from the inside-out.


Chapter 1: What's on the Inside

A 13 year Navy Seal veteran discovers that who he really is has nothing to do with what’s on the outside of his uniform, but “whose on the inside” that counts!

Chapter 2: Saber Rattling

A high school bully threatens the use of power while his victim learns how to stand up for himself and not walk in fear of what “might happen” anymore.

Chapter 3: Flaming Arrows

The enemy loves to lob his invisible “flaming arrows” at us by creating unhealthy emotions like worry, doubt or fear which lead to unhealthy thoughts and actions. Learn how to dowse those flaming arrows with the Truth of God’s Word so you can experience a life of true Freedom!

Chapter 4: What Cooks the Fish

From the icy waters off the Alaskan Coast to the intense heat of rugged Pennsylvania steel mills, we’ll learn how fire transforms not only raw fish or scrap metal into something good for us, but how God Word does the same thing in our lives.

Chapter 5: Misbehaving Boys

This chapter helps us get rid of the “should” statements we put on each other and helps us understand the underlying reasons others act the way they do, therefore creating an environment of empathy and compassion instead of condemnation.

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