February 9, 2025

Addressing the Lies Men Believe

Wild at Heart

John Eldridge Wild At Heart Book

John Eldridge Wild At Heart BookDiscover how to live your life to its maximum potential by becoming Wild At Heart.


Every single man comes into the world possessing a strong desire for adventure. It's in the makeup of a man to stand for something, to determine his limits and to face down an enemy in battle.

Sometimes, after he settles down in his career and home life, it may feel like all of the excitement and adventure in life has dried up, all that's left is accepting your lot and making it through each day. It might appear to many that modern daily life has removed the primal instincts that have defined men since the start of time, it's a dangerous way of life when we repress our human nature. Man is really wild at heart.

A man's place these days can be very confusing. While movies and television shows celebrate indestructible, violent, and bloody guys, we're also required to be subdued and submissive to our wives and our bosses. The contradiction can trigger an unidentified tension that affects a lot of guys. You might ask yourself how you can be a genuine man who is strong for the Lord and your family while conforming to all these requirements? The actual enemy in many of us is not a robust army but rather a soul-repressing doubt which penetrates into our everyday life and causes us to doubt ourselves.

The aim of the Wild at Heart book and the Wild at Heart boot camp is to re-think these normal tendencies in the soul of almost every man. Rather than pretending that we are something that we are not, these methods teach us that you can find constructive methods to focus your natural aggression to grow to be far better dads, better spouses, and much better workers for God. By re-thinking our life as a crusade for Christ, we give our self permission to be who we genuinely are and to take control of our households and jobs. John Eldredge, the man behind Wild at Heart, has revealed to us that we can not take away the aggression from our heart, but there are ways to channel it through our faith into a constructive aggression that provides us extraordinary strength in our own life and in the lives of others around us.

The aim of Wild at Heart is to generate calm amongst all the conflicting noise. So men can be men. By focusing our energy on God, we're able to uncover an outlet for the freedom and honor that we instinctually seek out. Additionally, the good thing about this ministry and the message it speaks is that we won't be fighting for a human goal or for more bucks or a better car. Instead, we are fighting for the only thing that actually matters: the spirit of Christ that can fix the world. Only this righteousness can focus the internal struggle which is an aspect of each man and give intent to a life that might appear pointless. The journey is not as hard to follow as you might think. Each man can turn into a stronger person and be a beacon of strength for others to rely on. Wild at Heart will show you how.

Find out how Brent can inspire you and your men's ministry with a white tail deer banquet or men's seminar.

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