February 9, 2025

Addressing the Lies Men Believe

Recent Men’s Event

I recently was invited to speak for an Unapologetic Men’s event in Topeka, Indiana. As the time drew near, the weather cranked up the record lows temps and dumped an ocean of snow across the northern Indiana farmland. At one point in my drive, all I could see was the car in front of me as I was hit with whiteout conditions. But, as I got closer to the event, the skies opened up and revealed their blue majesty and the way was made clear.

The closer I got to the event location, snow plows were throwing the deep snow as far off the road as they could to make room for the Amish buggies. As I passed each one, the clomp, clomp, clomp of horses hooves made me feel as if I were going back in time, a time before airplanes, automobiles, and trains. Yet, the God of the Universe remains unchanged. He’s always working, always moving, and always changing hearts…always.

One thing that ALL men have in common is that they love adventure as it awakens their senses. The event location played right into that, as it was hosted inside of a completely renovated, old rustic barn that made the men feel like men.

My message this night would enter in through the door of adventure, and exit leaving the men knowing that God loves them…no matter what, and has an adventure for each of them if they will just give their lives to the God who created them. At the end of the event, I was surrounded by men wanting, not only to get a book, but to tell their stories, and to ask their questions about this God who loves them regardless of who they are, what they’ve done, or where they’ve been. Many of these rugged men were hunters, and the message of God’s grace rang out much louder and more accurately than their high-powered rifles. The message of God’s love and grace always hits its mark…always.

Maynard Miller was the event coordinator and these were his words following the night’s event.

“The snow was coming down and schools were canceled. I was worried the event would have to be called off. From day 1 we affirmed that this would be God’s event and not our own. God brought the snow, so I was sure he could also bring the people! We looked out the windows and all we could see were headlights from both directions. Not only did God bring souls, he filled the room to capacity. From the staff to the speakers, the whole evening you could feel God’s love radiant throughout the room, and the crowd was held captive and attentive to the powerful message. At the end of the evening, the men were led to the well and were hungry and thirsty for more. They were hungry and thirsty for more!”

Your Call To Action

If you’ve been feeling God’s promptings to host a men’s event, MenMinistry.org wants to encourage you get to know the men of your community, what makes them tick, and to listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying to you in how to reach them. Men’s events are a GREAT way to bring in the men and to change lives.

Changed Men Change Men!

In Christ,

Brent Henderson

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